This project extends the time frame and scope of the projects Comparison of the Distributions of Production and Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing: Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively. Those projects successfully implemented the methods described in prior project proposals for a few selected industrial sectors. This project will continue to expand the scope of phases 1 and 2 via additional industry-specific analysis.
The principal analytic approach is the application of the frontier production function. The project will enhance the Census Bureau’s knowledge base regarding the specific area of investigation, which is the distribution of energy output ratios specifically and in relation to the distribution of total factor productivity. This understanding could lead to improved editing and screening procedures, ultimately improving the overall Economic Census program. This project will compare energy-related data, including census materials and product data, with external sources of information, including industry and trade group data and process specific information. The expanded project scope will include a wide range of industrial sectors including, but not limited to, pulp/paper/paperboard and petrochemicals sector.
Gale Boyd — Duke University